How we look
Our Philosophy
We chose a “chain of ants” as the symbol of our company, because our productive entities, which in part are also our partners, are easily comparable to ants: modest and thrifty, but very active and efficient. They are however limited only by their reduced individual capacity, as occurs with ants. Only by working together and being coordinated, can they accomplish great feats. Otherwise, they remain insignificant and almost invisible.
This is the mission of Eukom G.m.b.H.: to coordinate and organise a great number of small companies, each one equipped with great efficiency, but with a limited production capacity in absolute terms, thus giving them visibility on the market.
We coordinate our partners as would occur in a well-ordered and organised ant colony, where the sum of many tiny ants leads to an overall grand result.
Since 1997
Our History
Since 1997, we have been working within the German speaking market, presenting to big transalpine companies (amongst which some well-known names such as BSH or Zeiss) the production and services of several small entities of artisans, present in the Italian and Slovenian market. The location of the company in Austria is a tribute to the old “Mitteleuropa” of the past century, before the “Iron Curtain” divided Eastern and Western Europe. With the reunification of Europe, of which we are forerunners and remain to be firm supporters, we reinforced our conviction that small productive entities need an organisation like ours, with the aim of being able to open them up to the transalpine markets.
Their micro-dimensions and linguistic barriers make it impossible for the emergence of these small companies from their local markets.
In twenty years of operations, we have established solid and long-term relationships with many German, Swiss and Austrian companies, not only as a linguistic intermediary, but above all, as a means of harmonising the different mentalities. It has not always been easy to reconcile Teutonic precision with Mediterranean inventiveness, but we are proud of being able to accomplish just this.
Company Framework
Since 2007 Eukom is a G.m.b.H. based in Klagenfurt.